American Bison at Nachusa Grasslands, Illinois

American Bison at Nachusa Grasslands, Illinois

The American Bison, a symbol of the Great Plains and one of the icons of North America. Thanks to YouTube, State Farm commercials, and the classic cowboy movies, these great beasts can conjure up some scary mental images. My first thoughts of bison were always of...
Documenting the Last Corn Harvest

Documenting the Last Corn Harvest

Here’s a recent photo from a project I’m working on. Nachusa Grasslands in Illinois is restoring a cornfield back to its original state of prairie and wetlands. Over the next few years, I will be documenting the progress of the Dewitt Holland Memorial Prairie. This...
Wind Box for Flower Photography

Wind Box for Flower Photography

I do quite a bit of macro work outside, and a common problem when shooting flowers is getting them to stay still in the wind. It’s commonly a game of patience waiting for lulls in the wind. I am not what I would call a patient photographer though. Another option is...
Want to photograph something special? Introduce yourself and ask

Want to photograph something special? Introduce yourself and ask

Having an interest in the prairies of the American Midwest, I’ve wanted to photograph a prairie wildfire for many years. These fires are important to the health of the prairies, but as one can imagine, they are very dangerous to be around. So I opted to seek out some...